Tuesday 17 November 2015

Entrepreneurial traits


2.1     Network

Networking means all the relationships that are formed or significant and sustained by an entrepreneur with a person around for mutual benefit. The successful entrepreneur is influenced by their ability to identify opportunities and limited resources of their environment through social networks. Entrepreneurs also a manager and as a manager, entrepreneur not only involved in the traditional management activities that involve decision-making, planning and control, communication and information exchange related to process work activities, human resource management, which involves motivation, discipline to manage conflict, job placements and training but also working in a network such as socialization process, political, and interaction with external parties or corporate environment. Outside companies are as suppliers, bankers, government agencies, and others will be directly or indirectly would pose a threat to the business if the relationship is good or not is formed respectively. Therefore, the success of entrepreneurs is influenced by their ability to identify opportunities and get the limited resources of their environment through exchange relations with their social networks (Rosli Mahmood; Azrain Nasyrah Mustapa; Rosli Mohd Saad; Mohamad Yusop Mohd Jani; Norria Zakaria; Syahrina Abdullah; Ahmad Khairi Yahya; Hoe Chee Hee; Shamsul Huda Abd. Rani; Muhammad Shukri Bakar; Shiza Sa'atar; Lily Julienti Abu Bakar; Habshah Bakar), 2010; Rosli Mahmood; Azrain Nasyrah Mustapa; Rosli Mohd Saad; Mohamad Yusop Mohd Jani; Norria Zakaria; Syahrina Abdullah; Ahmad Khairi Yahya; Hoe Chee Hee; Shamsul Huda Abd. Rani; Muhammad Shukri Bakar; Shiza Sa'atar; Lily Julienti Abu Bakar; Habshah Bakar), 2010).
Examples of entrepreneurs who can be consulted in this feature is Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan. Ananda Krishnan was born in 1938. He is the second richest entrepreneurs in Malaysia and has been involved in business areas include oil, horse breeding seeds, gaming, multimedia telecommunications, shipping, energy and real estate.He also established political relations with the Ministry of Finance Malaysia, Tengku Razaleigh before he was introduced to Dr. Mahathir through Razaleigh Hamzah. During the ongoing diplomatic relations with Razaleigh, Ananda always attends their meetings to social and official. He is also a mediator to Razaleigh when engaged with an important negotiation.
In 1970, Ananda was introduced to Dr. Mahathir, the father of modern Malaysia. He has tried to establish relations with Dr Mahathir but at the same time the diplomatic relations with Razaleigh remain. Due to the close relationship with Dr. Mahathir, Ananda always regarded as his cronies. In late 1991, he took over the turf industry in Malaysia. The industry is located in the center of Kuala Lumpur, which is the most expensive real estate in the world. He also assured Dr. Mahathir regarding the construction of the Petronas Twin Towers which is currently the tallest building in the world and Ananda is part of the owner (Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, 2012)
            The special things about Ananda is, he never appeared in public. Moreover, he has never been involved in all his business dealings and was never present in any general meeting of his company. He put his trust in the professionals to handle his business. The Group is made up of professional that very caliber and great. Not only that, most likely this group of professionals who will take over as the leader of this empire after Ananda Krishnan. This is due, his kids are not interested in joining and following in the footsteps of his father in business. Candidates who became a household to take over his empire is Brahmal Vasudevan (Shubhi, 2013).

2.2     Open Risk Taker

Risk is something that has always been linked with the likelihood of the occurrence of circumstances likely adverse circumstances and unexpected for most people do not even desire it. Arthur Williams and Richard, MH said that risk is a disagreement of the consequences that can occur during a specific time interval. But Soekarto said that risk is the uncertainty of the occurrence of a problem (Agustiana, 2012). Risk has two characteristics which is unexpected for the problem occur and unexpected for the loss occur.
All entrepreneurs must take risks if they require to take more welfare. This is evidenced by Brian Tracy. He says ‘ the future belongs to the risk takers, not security seekers. The more you seek security, the less of it you will have and the more you pursue an opportunity, the more security you will achieve(Rahmat, 2010). From this word, we can resolve that only entrepreneurs that hire the risk can reach the large benefit. Merely, if they did not take the peril, they cannot gain the welfare. To be an entrepreneur, risk taker is the most important element that must have.
Many successful entrepreneurs in the world have this characteristic. For example, Tan Sri Tony Fenandes, Director of Air Asia Berhad. He takes a huge risk in airline industries. In year 2001, Air Asia experiencing difficulties due to the debt burden is too high. He has a change to meet with Tun Dr. Mahathir in October 2001. Tun Dr. Mahathir advises him to purchase the airline company. After that, he leases the whole house and use his savings to buy the company at a price of Ringgit. The air Asia company currently owns two planes Boeing-old, and depth of RM40 million. He purchases the company on 11th of September 2001. It is the year of the worst in the history of commercial air travel industry. All peoples' opinion that Fenandes had become “crazy” because no people at that time who dare to fly. But he demonstrates that he not mad when he was able to pay the whole debt after a yr. And now, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes and Air Asia are known throughout Malaysia and the world. Tony Fenandes proved that open risk taker must have in the life of an entrepreneur (Tony Fenandes, 2014).

2.3     Observant

We can see McDonald's is an extensive multinational association, the Chief is regularly seen as a pioneer and typical driver of the corporate activities and beliefs. McDonald's ex-CEO Office is Jim Skinner. (Chicago Business, 2012) There are numerous individuals will encourage us to attempt to eat at the McDonald.
Mr. Skinner has been with McDonald's for more than thirty-five years, and has held numerous positions from "eatery administrator, student" to numerous corporate positions all through his residency, before being chosen as Chief. Really a magnetic and transformational pioneer, numerous trait McDonald's pivot in the previous couple of years to the endeavors of Skinner, he additionally "reexamined the fast food business" with another vision and bearing.
Right on time in the pivot, he was one of the modelers of the "Arrangement to Win" activity which reestablished McDonald's center of store operations and convey a ton of cash to McDonald. His decision to the Chief post gave some soundness and confidence to the association. He notes that one of the key components of his prosperity was his inconceivable involvement with abroad markets that gave him an incredible assorted quality presentation which was pivotal for the worldwide partnership. One of his prominent accomplishments amid his residency with respect to the initiative was battling the "McJob" shame; he made workers feel vital and started to advance the different positions in a brighter light through promoting the effort. As far as Mr.skinner's logic, he is principally centered around consumer loyalty so the client won't attempt to purchase fast food from another organization, for example, KFC, PIZZA Cottage, BURGER Ruler and other organization.
He trusts that is important to initially meet client desires and after that attention on the eateries themselves. The logic likewise incorporates keeping things basic and sensible for every store while ensuring that "everybody is adjusted around that one thought". The thought is coordinated towards showing up, thinking about how the eatery looks and how you introduce yourself. Another critical part of his rationality is the apprehension of smugness. We can see that Mr.Skinner was a perceptive individual on the grounds that he was trepidation of smugness from his client. He will attempt to watch What individuals like and other that to fulfill their client with their administration. Thusly, he supports innovativeness additionally needs to verify that individuals don't forget about the chain's essential destinations. In this way, there is an in number spotlight on concocting great, innovative methodologies, and after that putting the full exertion into fruitful execution.
For Mr. Skinner, companywide activity is dependably an unquestionable requirement, and never a perhaps. Skinner is likewise a man of qualities and morals: When McDonald's was reprimanded for the stoutness issue, he guided the organization to assume liability and make an answer instead of pass the fault. This show Skinner was having a decent perception administration in light of the fact that he is attempting to help the organization with the quest for an answer as opposed to faulting someone else. In this manner, Skinner can be seen as an ethical pioneer and image of making the best decision for McDonald's. At long last, one of Skinner's proceeding with principle objectives is "ability administration and authority advancement". This includes basic undertakings, for example, redesigning people into diverse parts and recognizing potential pioneers to be honored extra obligation. While a number of the Mr. Skinners qualities are not effectively discernable on the surface, his authority was seen at the eateries watched.
The consideration with respect to consumer loyalty was most self-evident, representatives were constantly well mannered and the eatery was perfect. Amid a few perceptions, workers were seen chatting with customary clients, past the ordinary administration, communications, showing some level of closeness between them. Also, all representatives appeared to be all around mannered and introduced themselves well. There appeared to be an abnormal state of resolve, even with the more modest and custodial positions, which was suddenly in a fast food eatery. In a hefty portion of the areas went by, there were worker enlistment signs on the entryway that recorded advantages; in any case, the application procedure was on the web. While more proficient, maybe a more grounded spotlight on in-individual enlistment would help enhance the spirit and result in more applications that show observant leadership to him.

2.4     Visionary

 What does it intend to be a visionary business pioneer? Vision in business requires that you plainly see where you decide to be in the future and plan the important strides to get your association there. Making and maintaining a dream for an association calls for control and imagination. A business pioneer must have the energy, quality of will, and fundamental information to accomplish long haul objectives. An engaged person who can rouse his group to reach hierarchical objectives is a visionary business pioneer. It's vital to business pioneer to adjust vision and activity. While an association's vision is proportional to the destination, it tries to achieve, move speaks to the strides made on the way to arrive.
Accentuation ought to be put into both vision and activity. Just underlining the vision may not give adequate inspiration. A pioneer ought to have a decent comprehension of his group. This will empower him to recognize what propels them. An illustration of inspiration may include giving an agreeable cafeteria or a lounge with agreeable furniture and heaps of white sheets where representatives can unwind and conceptualize together. An empowering situation, additionally permits individuals the opportunity of imagining (Lavinsky, 2013).  
Consider what number of ways Google has formed the web. From cutting edge seek calculations to reforming internet advertising with AdWords; having a domain that supports advancement has kept the Google vision alive and on the persistent the way to the achievement. Lawrence "Larry" Page conceived on 26 Walk 1973. He is an American PC researcher and web business person who helped to establish Google Inc. with Sergey Brin and is the President of Google's guardian organization, Letters in order Inc. Page is the financial specialist of PageRank, Google's best known inquiry positioning calculation.
Page is a leading body of the X Prize Establishment (XPRIZE) and was chosen by the National Institute of Building in 2004. Page got the Marconi Prize in 2004. Page visionary began when his school at the College of Michigan. Page made an inkjet printer made of LEGO blocks (actually a line plotter), after he thought it conceivable to print the huge publications economically with the utilization of inkjet cartridges, Page turned around designed the ink cartridge, and fabricated the greater part of the gadgets and mechanics to drive it. He likewise recommended that the school supplant its transport framework with something he called a "PRT," or "Individual quick travel framework," which was basically a driverless monorail with discrete autos for each traveler. He likewise built up a strategy for success for an organization that would utilize programming to fabricate a music synthesizer amid this time.
Amid his initial residency as Chief, Page set out on a fizzled endeavor to flame the greater part of Google's venture administrators in 2001. Page even archived his administration principles for his group to use as a kind of perspective, such as; Don't delegate: Do all that you can yourself to make things go quicker. Next, Don't act as a burden in case you're not worth including. Let the general population really taking every necessary step converse with one another while you go accomplish something else. Alongside that, Don't be an official. At that point, Thoughts are more critical than age. Because somebody is junior doesn't mean they don't merit appreciation and collaboration.
Ultimately, The most exceedingly awful things you can do is preventing somebody from saying so as to accomplish something, "No. Period." On the off chance that you say no, you need to offer them some assistance with finding a superior approach to complete it (USA Today, 2015). Page drove the obtaining of Android for $50 million in 2005 to satisfy his desire to put handheld PCs in the ownership of customers so they could get to Google from anyplace. Android turned into the world's most prevalent portable working framework in a matter of seconds thereafter. In August 2011, Page reported that Google would burn through $12.5 billion to secure Motorola Versatility.
The buy was principally roused by Google's have to secure licenses to shield Android from claims by organizations including Apple Inc. Page composed on the Googles authority blog on August 15, 2011 that "organizations including Microsoft and Apple are banding together in against focused patient assaults on Android. Page likewise wandered into equipment and Google disclosed the Chromebook in May 2012. The equipment item was a portable workstation that kept running on a Google working framework, Chrome OS. This has demonstrated Page has a visionary administration.

2.5     Failure is An Option.

            Failure does not mean that we failed, but failure means that we do not succeed. We must move on what we do and don’t give up if we failed. If we want to be a successful entrepreneur, we must think that failure is an option and the way to success in what we do. This is because, if we fail in our job, we must think positively and do a research about the factor led to the failure. All entrepreneurs all around the world have experienced failure (Rahmat, 2010). But some of them that was successful in their life because they never give up if they failed. For example is Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs is an entrepreneur that was known around the world. He is the person that was introduced Apple product. In 1976, Steve Jobs and Wozniak were developed, and markets a lineage of successful personal computers in the securities industry. The duo gained fame and wealth a year later for the Apple II, one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers.In 1979, after a tour of Xerox PARC, Jobs saw the commercial potential of the Xerox Alto, which was mouse-driven and had a graphical user interface (GUI). These are successes achieved by Steve jobs.
Only, despite the success he reached, he failed in 1984. He lost in a power battle with the plank of directors in 1984. After he resigned from Apple, he found NeXT. This can prove that Steve Jobs never give up and take the failure is an option. Afterwards that, Apple bought NeXT and Steve Jobs returns to Apple company. On 24 August 2011, Jobs announced his resignation as CEO of Apple and will be replaced by Tim Cook. At his request, Jobs was appointed chair of the panel of directors of Apple (Steve Jobs, 2015). Steve Jobs is the entrepreneur that never gives up, although he failed in what his do. Steve jobs once said “if I try my best and fail, well, I've tried my best”. This word proved that failure is an option for us to get the success in our lives.

2.6     Open Culture

      Open Culture is a concept according to which knowledge should be spread freely and its growth should come from developing, altering or enriching already existing works on the basis of sharing and collaboration, without being restricted by rules linked to the legal protection of intellectual property. In a context of globalization, the consequence is that all citizens should have equal access to information (Canadian Copyright Act, 2010)
Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd is one of the largest and well-established Malaysian-owned Companies involved in wholesaling and retailing. The company was founded in 1940 and was based in Subang Jaya, Malaysia. The company incorporated in 1957. The Mydin Company was created by Mr. Mydin Mohamed family in Kota Bahru, Kelantan under the name of Syarikat Mydin Mohamed in the year 1956 (Course Hero, 2015)
Many entrepreneurs today are always looking for opportunities to improve the company because they want to maximize their profits, but for Mr. Mohamed bin Ghulam Hussien, the founder of MYDIN, its social responsibility also must be guarded. He was held fast to his slogan to sell goods at wholesale prices. Prices are very important to the customer, especially for those who are with lower incomes.
Moreover, Mydin also keep ethics in their business. This was proven in the quality of its product sales Mydin. While, selling products at wholesales prices, but this could restrict the Group MYDIN to monitor the quality of the products. Furthermore, Mydin also concerned about labeling and halal status of the products. This is because Mydin's vision to become the world's leading distributors for halal status of products and services. MYDIN operates its business based on ‘Halal’ concepts and stresses on honesty, sincerity and good discipline in all aspects of its business. Mydin also focus on ethical awareness in dealing with staff involved in activities that can contribute back to the community (About Mydin, 2015)
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme themed ‘A Brighter Future with TOP and MYDIN’ or ‘Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP dan MYDIN’, was launched at MYDIN Mall USJ by the Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Yang Berhormat Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun.The objective of the campaign is to encourage school attendance and participation by providing tangible support in the pursuit of education, leveling the playing field when it comes to uniforms and school essentials while boosting self-esteem and self-image, educating them on living skills such as washing clothes and presenting a clean, neat and well-groomed appearance (The Nielsen Company (M) Sdn.Bhd, 2015).

2.7     Outcome Oriented

Outcome oriented means attitude or talent of someone who tends to be positive towards the results, success, and the final results of a product and goods.
Entrepreneur or individual that has this characteristic usually is a very dedicated and self-reliance in their lives. They do not easily give up in an incident or calamity themselves or their companies. If these things do not always happen, they easily restore their motivation to not give up because of that. These are people who always see the results and satisfaction in the decision and the end of the matter. For example, a person taking the test in the study. He'll see the test results to determine success in education. Based on the test results, he can evaluate whether the killings in studies so far can be proud of or not. (Kadir, 2010)
Examples of entrepreneur who can be consulted in this feature is Donald J. Trump. Trump is sticking to the principles taught by his father. His targeted at anything he does is the result and satisfaction received. If we see, Trump Taj Mahal Casino bought the casino because the original owner in respect of bankruptcy. He sees great potential when he took over and reshaped Taj Mahal Casino for the better, the greatest benefit will be obtained. As a result, he dared to buy the casinos are close to bankruptcy and make the casinos are on the usual situation gets even bigger profit.
However, the impact of his activities, he squeezed by debt ridden, causing his name to be excessive media attention. After recovering his name, Trump said as a 'crazy' when he built Trump World Tower, an apartment in front of the main office of the United Nations. The bold action and extreme made many people labelled as unreasonable plan. However, his plans to build apartments to fruition by making those who criticized his earlier impressed. This is because of his actions that people are beginning to open their eyes and recognize who he was Donald Trump. He earned the title of millionaire real estate developer in the United States since he bought a lot of land in the United States. He was just looking at the benefits and gains to be derived from assets that remain in its possession. He is the owner of millions of feet of land in Manhattan and many other places, so much so, that they have so far property is 1 billion and above.
Not to forget, he was the founder of the reality television program which is different from other reality shows, such as The Apprentice. He founded the action plan as if only to make money and popularity alone, but he actually wants to teach the audience and the participants plan ready and resolute to become an entrepreneur and a successful. He ignored the ridicule of others, but always stick to its original target for establishing this program. As a result, many are getting a lesson from the show and many people are beginning to look at the target and puts the focus on the ways to achieve these targets. (Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki & Meredith McIver, 2012).

2.8     Team Oriented

        The definition of the team oriented is a leader and the group members work together on projects or activities and do not work as individuals. There are a few tactics that can foster a team oriented. For example, the company or the organization can send their employees to the diversity workshops to get more knowledges. From the workshop, the employees are available now to teach group members on how to works a cohesive team. This workshop is very effective to the employees because allow the employees to experience the  positive effects of working as a team versus working as an individual.
Team oriented have their own benefits. One of the benefits is business that stress a spirit of teamwork and collaboration can capitalize on the individual strengths of their employees. The comparison of team oriented between work as an individual is a team oriented being the desire to achieve consensus and involve employees in decision making, communicating openly and honestly, caring about the team members, being accountable for problems and trying to understand other points of view. Many projects or activities can completed more efficiently and quickly if the leader and the group members work together based on the strengths and abilities of each member.
Team oriented business have the value diversity and bring the different points of view a team effort opportunities from the new ideas and creativity to solve the problems. The successful that was achieve can be shared together with the group members. Team oriented also involve the relationship between customers and partnerships (Heaarst Newspapers, 2015)
William Henry is famously person and known as Bill Gates. Bill Gates is one of the best-known entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution. Bill Gates is the author of Mircosoft and a business magnate in America. Bill Gates is a leader of his company and he realized that as a leader, he had to able to influence the behavior of other people around him in order to achieve a target. Bill Gates leadership skills have been effected in the world. Bill Gates was aware that to be a good leader, he must create through which people in his organization that would contribute in achieving great and extraordinary results.
One of the factors that enabled Bill Gates be a good leader was his recognition of the importance of embracing teamwork. Bill Gates knew that he could not manage the entire Microsoft organization by his own. He also knew that his hard work and the hard work of his group members to establish the Microsoft organization. Bill Gates was acting as the role model for his group members as they looked up to him for guidance. Bill Gates believed in his team. The spirit of his group members had assured him that he would achieve his targets. Bill Gates also provided a free communication channel to his group members on all issues that affecting of Microsoft organization.
Conclusion, Bill Gates leadership qualities ensures that he succeeds with whatever task he undertakes. Bill Gates believed that with teamwork the targets will achieve. As a leader, he must take a good care about his group members and together solve the problems. Leaders should emulate the leadership lessons from Bill Gates if the company wants to be a great company (Peter Mutiso, 2013)

2.9     Proactive

Proactive is a positive attitude in a person, which means they expect, formulate, plan and evaluate a problem before something happens. This is dealt with in the context they can experience what will happen in the future with great expectations regarding the subject matter, whereas the matter has not yet happened. (Kamus Dewan Bahasa Edisi ke-4, 2000).
The entrepreneurs, are human beings who can observe something behind things. Scholars interpret them as a group of unique and extraordinary. They are always able to assess and anticipate what will happen in the future based on current conditions. For example, bad weather haze with the API that are increasingly confusing. Entrepreneurs see it as a natural disaster alarming, but in the meantime, they have been thinking whether the product, design, service, brand and so on to be used outside the community on the issue. They are often able to think one step ahead of everyone else. They also are the ones who are often the observation as a natural talent that exists within them.

Many of those are people who take care of them because of every result of their actions is something that is valuable and precious. However, they actually are the very courageous. They usually do something after observing, assessing, anticipating, planning and implementation of a thing. Many entrepreneurs are wise in words and actions that they will do. This is because all the words and their actions will they do and produce. They do not judge anything by a method exclusively, but they will judge things by various methods because of their observation and expectation is something that cannot be separated by physical fitness, mental alertness and they were very active in doing something.
Proactive properties can be seen in an example of a well-known entrepreneur in this modern age is Robert T. Kiyosaki. Robert is an author, novelist, entrepreneur, and investor who is well known by the title of the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". The book was first printed in 2000, but managed to become a bestseller in the United States in a long time. Proactive nature, he is always thinking outside of the box and the way he was thinking of something different from others.
He said something quite contrary to the original concept of accounting and financial world about the true meaning of assets and liabilities. He also tells about his biological father who was a teacher who has a high graduation, but have financial problems and also adoptive parents who do not have such a high graduation, however, is an entrepreneur and a great guy and succeed in his life. Proactive of action he made public and many scientists have questioned about what he was trying to portray. Generally, we interpret cars and homes as an asset, valuable enough and worth, but he said that it was not an asset, but a liability to us! He recounted how he saw things from a different point of view with others. For example, he saw the value of it is valuable and anticipate what will happen in the future.
The phrase is often said and known by the name Robert is, "the poor and middle class work for money, while the rich have money work for them". For those who read the books written by Robert certainly will be motivated by his words. He always said what will happen to the world if we are still in the same place without any changes. By founded 4 Cashflow Quadrant, he taught people how to move forward in our lives that are increasingly challenging. (Robert, 2014). He was not overbearing nature with the knowledge that he had said, the person will achieve a very troubling if he did not move from the second and so on. He also tells how to be a person in quadrant 4, the investor that money is working for them.
He teaches how to be a smart one expects something in the future by looking at the present situation. Robert said, the world would be a mess because everyone needs money. No act can be done without money. So, he explains how to become a smart financial management within yourself and get out of the cycle of needless or Rat Race. (Robert, 2005).

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